Parallelism is just the beginning, Fintech and digital technology will eventually meet

Each era has products and species belonging to each era, and it leaves the mark of this era. Just as Internet finance appeared in the financial industry, it left us an important mark in the Internet age. It is true that Internet finance may only belong to the Internet era. When the dividends of the Internet era disappear, Internet finance begins to transform and upgrade. There is still no clear answer as to where Internet finance is going. Because when Internet finance ended, we saw two different development directions of financial technology and digital technology. Although we are still unable to determine who is the ultimate direction of financial evolution, we can be confident that the future of finance should undergo more profound changes in order to maximize the fundamental role of finance. Therefore, whether it is financial technology or digital technology, it is really the key to bringing about changes to the financial industry.
When almost all industries are beginning to be Internetized, we will use the traditional Internet model to supply financial products. Obviously, we are looking for new ways to supply financial products and derive innovative financial products. New kinetic energy for development. From this perspective, financial technology and digital technology are the direction of financial re-evolution, the key lies in who can bring essential changes to the financial industry. Financial technology and digital technology are parallel, and financial re-evolution is happening We can completely regard today’s era as an era in which financial technology and digital technology are parallel. In such an era, it is inappropriate to stubbornly entangle anyone who is right or wrong. Really understanding and accepting this state of parallel development and clarifying the role of financial technology and digital technology in the process of financial re-evolution has become the key to determining the future direction of finance. In any case, with financial technology and digital technology as the starting point, a transformation of the financial industry is taking place.
Changes in the financial industry are transforming from outside to inside. In the era of Internet finance, the changes in the financial industry only stayed at the surface and in the second half, that is, selling traditional financial products and services, and reforming the behavior and supply of financial users, without changing the financial industry itself. Efficiency is the ultimate goal pursued by Internet finance. When blindly pursuing efficiency, ignoring the particularity of the financial industry, even removing the necessary processes and links in the financial industry, one of the most direct results is the emergence of financial chaos. Thunderstorms and chaos in the second half of Internet finance are precisely the reason. It can be seen that merely improving efficiency does not have a lasting impact on the development of the financial industry, and in-depth transformation of the financial industry itself is the key. As a result, new ways of financial evolution represented by financial technology and digital technology began to appear. Unlike Internet finance, which only changes from the outside, financial technology and digital technology both regard the financial industry as an object of transformation. By going deep into the financial industry, transforming the operation process of the financial industry, and reconstructing the internal constituent elements of the financial industry, a new evolution taking the internal battlefield of the financial industry as the main battlefield is taking place.